Upholding High Standards of Professionalism

Jasmine Soo

Healthcare involves doctors accessing the lives of their patients in an intimate way. A great deal of trust between the doctor and patient is therefore necessary to facilitate treatment. This trust, however, is hard won, as doctors are expected to always maintain a high standard of professionalism and carry themselves in an exemplary manner. This is where SMA Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism (SMA CMEP) plays a crucial role in training our doctors in the art and science of medical ethics and professionalism.

SMA CMEP's Medical Professionalism seminars are an integral part of our training roadmap for doctors. Held over two Saturdays on 18 August and 15 September at the Singapore Business Federation, this year's seminars attracted participants who hailed from both the public and private sectors, as well as varied specialties such as general practice, ophthalmology, psychiatry and public health. Participants' practice experience also spanned a wide range, from medical students to senior consultants.

Our panel of accomplished speakers were from the SMA CMEP core faculty, namely A/Prof Gerald Chua, Dr Peter Loke, Dr T Thirumoorthy, Dr Anantham Devanand, Adj Assistant Prof Vishalkumar G Shelat and Dr Luke Toh.

The seminar received large numbers of positive responses from participants. In particular, participants found the topics to be highly relevant and the content useful for their professional development and medical practice. There were even suggestions to make the seminar compulsory for all junior and senior doctors.

We are gratified by the overwhelming response to the seminar, and wish to thank the Employment and Employability Institute and Singapore Business Federation for their support, and our speakers for taking time off to impart their knowledge to the participants.

Topics covered

Basic (Session 1)

  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Professionalism
  • Doctor-patient relationship
  • Collegiality

Intermediate (Session 2)

  • Professional accountability and governance
  • Consent
  • Ethical case analysis
  • Conflict of interest