Highlights from the Honorary Secretary

Lim Kheng Choon

SMA's participation in a workgroup to review informed consent and SMC's disciplinary process

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced the formation of a workgroup to review the Singapore Medical Council's (SMC) disciplinary process as well as taking of informed consent following the controversial Disciplinary Tribunal case involving Dr Lim Lian Arn. SMA, together with the Academy of Medicine, Singapore (AMS), and College of Family Physicians Singapore (CFPS), has been invited to participate in this workgroup.

Following MOH's announcement, the three professional bodies issued a joint statement, offering their full cooperation to MOH. The formation of the workgroup is a positive step to ensure that the environment is conducive for the practice of good medicine and to ensure the safety of patients.

More details can be found at http://bit.ly/2U0E6AI.

Meeting with Medical Protection Society on informed consent

As a result of the above case, SMA has received many queries from doctors-in-training (DITs) on how detailed the consent they would need to take for common minor procedures done daily, such as venepunctures and the setting of intravenous plugs.

In an attempt to get some clarity, SMA and the Medical Protection Society (MPS) organised a discussion on 15 March 2019, named "Informed Consent for Common Procedures: Principles and Practice". The aim was to find consensus on practical advice to junior doctors. Representatives from AMS, CFPS, SMC and SMA DIT Committee attended the discussion.

SMA hopes that the discussion has helped to move the issue forward, with DITs highlighting the issues they face daily "at the coalface". Clarifications/reassurances regarding the SMC complaints/disciplinary process offered may have helped, but it is clear that some of the practical difficulties can only be directly addressed after the MOH workgroup releases their recommendations.

Passing of Dr Chow Kheun Wai

On behalf of the SMA Council, we wish to express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of the late Dr Chow Kheun Wai, who passed away on 26 February 2019 in the US.

Dr Chow was a former SMA Honorary Secretary (1963- 64) and SMA Council Member (1964-66). SMA published a condolence message in the 8 March 2019 edition of the Straits Times.

Presentation to Indiana University Physician MBA programme

On 26 February 2019, SMA 1st Vice President Dr Wong Tien Hua delivered a presentation to physician MBA students from the Indiana University's Kelley School of Business. His presentation covered an overview of health trends in Singapore and recent measures to keep healthcare sustainable.

Attendance at the 18th MASEAN Mid-Term Meeting

An SMA delegation comprising Drs Tan Tze Lee, Lim Kheng Choon, Tammy Chan, A/Prof Mahesh Choolani and the secretariat team attended the Medical Association of South East Asian Nations (MASEAN) Mid-Term Meeting held in Cebu, the Philippines, on 15 March 2019. The delegation participated in a symposium on Crisis in Non-Communicable Diseases, and provided an update on SMA's activities for the year.

Lim Kheng Choon is the Honorary Secretary of the 59th SMA Council. He is currently an associate consultant at Singapore General Hospital.
