A monthly publication of SMA
SMA News seeks to be the platform for you to share and receive information and updates relevant to the profession and medical practice. The newsletter is written by doctors, for doctors, with a focus on current issues and events that are close to the hearts of doctors in Singapore, such as medico-legal issues, continuing medical education and even personal reflections on the profession.
Our criteria for article selection:
- It must benefit our readers, with the aim of helping doctors provide better care to their patients.
- It should provide information relevant to the healthcare sector, or spark discussion among our readers.
- It must not promote or sell a product or service for the sole purpose of advancing the interests of an individual or organisation.
If you wish to submit an article for consideration for publication in SMA News or have any query pertaining to the newsletter, please email us at news@sma.org.sg.
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Editorial Board
Dr Tina Tan
Dr Tan is a psychiatrist with the Better Life Psychological Medicine Clinic, and a visiting consultant at the Institute of Mental Health. She is also an alumnus of Duke-NUS Medical School. Between work and family life, she squeezes time out for her favourite pastimes – reading a good (fiction) book and writing.
Dr Chie Zhi YingDeputy Editor
Dr Chie is a Family Physician working in the National Healthcare Group Polyclinics. She obtained her MBBS, GDFM, MMed (Family Medicine) and Master of Public Health (Specialisation in Occupational Health) degrees from the National University of Singapore. She was awarded the Occupational and Environmental Health Society Medal for the class of 2020 for achieving best results among the graduands in the same specialisation of her MPH degree and is also a Designated Workplace Doctor. She enjoys freelance writing and writes for Chinese dailies Lianhe Zaobao, Lianhe Wanbao, Shin Min Daily News and health magazine Health No. 1. She can be contacted at chiezhiying@gmail.com.
A/Prof Daniel Fung Advisor
Dr Fung is the CEO of the Institute of Mental Health and an Adjunct Associate Professor at all 3 Singapore medical schools. He is the President of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions and President of the College of Psychiatrists, Academy of Medicine, Singapore. He has co-authored over 200 peer reviewed research papers (157), books (33) and book chapters (20).
Dr Fung is married to Joyce and a father of 5 grown up children. He recently became a grandfather but continues to enjoy his 3 Rs – reading, writing and research.
A/Prof Cuthbert TeoAdvisor
Dr Teo is a senior consultant pathologist and a gazetted forensic pathologist. He is a visiting consultant at Changi General Hospital and at KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor with the Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, where he teaches forensic science, and is also a senior lecturer at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine. He is Chairman of the Chapter of Pathologists, Academy of Medicine. He has a special interest in the area of the prevention of child abuse and neglect, and is Chairman of the Research and Advocacy Standing Committee of the Singapore Children’s Society, and a member of the Society’s Executive Committee.
A/Prof Toh Han ChongAdvisor
Dr Toh is Head, Department of Medical Oncology, National Cancer Centre. He was the past SMA News Editor from 2004 to 2014.
Dr Lim Ing HaanMember
Dr Lim is an alumnus of Duke University Hospital where she underwent American Board Accredited training in Interventional Cardiology. She has been in private practice in Mount Elizabeth Hospital for the past 10 years. Dr Lim helped set up the 24-hour 7 days a week acute myocardial infarction interventional service in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and served on the Medical Advisory Board in Mount Elizabeth Hospital as Chair of the Credentialling Committee in 2015-2017.
Dr Lim’s expertise is in complex coronary angioplasty and stenting. She is a Key Opinion Leader for the cardiac device industry and is the Course Director of several regional Interventional Cardiology conferences. She travels regularly as invited speaker in Interventional Cardiology meetings in Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam, China, Switzerland and USA. She is also the Commissioning Editor of HeartAsia, published by BMJ and was an Adjunct Faculty with the Duke-NUS Medical School till 2020.
Adj Assistant Prof Clive TanMember
Dr Tan is a public health specialist practicing in the public sector, and an adjunct assistant professor with the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and Duke-NUS’s Centre of Regulatory Excellence. He is also the Vice President of the College of Public Health and Occupational Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore, and Core Faculty at the National University Health System’s National Preventive Medicine Residency Programme. He has published widely on a wide range of public health related topics such as infectious disease, public health preparedness, healthcare leadership, health systems, digital health and tobacco control. In his free time, he enjoys reading and playing computer games with his three children.
Adj A/Prof Tan Tze LeeMember
Dr Tan is a GP in private practice, Adjunt Associate Professor at the NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine for Family Medicine, and Adjunt Assistant Professor at the Duke-NUS Medical School for Family Medicine and Continuing Care. He has an interest in asthma and COPD, and enjoys music, photography and a good swim.
A/Prof Jimmy TeoMember
Dr Teo is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and a Senior Consultant in Renal Medicine at the National University Hospital. Outside of work he enjoys movies, gardening and reading. The topics of interest he manages are in leisure, financial literacy, medical education and healthcare financing.
Dr Yap Qi RouMember
Dr Yap is a medical officer rotating through the public healthcare sector. She is a medical alumnus of the National University of Singapore. In her free time she enjoys reading, writing, doing art and travelling.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in SMA News reflect the views of the individual authors, and do not necessarily represent those of the editorial board of the SMA News or the Singapore Medical Association (SMA), unless this is clearly specified. SMA does not, and cannot, accept any responsibility for the veracity, accuracy or completeness of any statement, opinion or advice contained in the text or advertisements published in SMA News. Advertisements of products and services that appear in SMA News do not imply endorsement for the products and services by SMA. All material appearing in SMA News may not be reproduced on any platform including electronic or in print, or transmitted by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Editor of the SMA News. Requests for reproduction should be directed to the SMA News editorial office. Written permission must also be obtained before any part of SMA News is stored in any retrieval system of any nature.