Dear Fellow Singaporeans
Our healthcare workers (HCWs) are in the midst of fighting a war with the novel coronavirus. They are working long hours, under tough conditions wearing the PPE, with little rest and restricted water and toilet breaks.
Our HCWs face uncertainty, fear and stress.
Some are being discriminated in society because of their uniform.
Morale has been affected.
We must come together as a nation to support them.
They should not fight alone.
Show your support through your artwork.
Submit words and drawings of encouragement,
show that you care and wish them well.
Let’s overcome this together as a Nation
#sgartforhcw for your artworks and post them on Facebook and Instagram
Submit your words of encouragement to our healthcare workers:
• Write down your words of encouragement or create an artwork for our frontline healthcare workers.
• Upload it to your Instagram/Facebook as a public post, include the hashtag #sgartforhcw OR submit to us via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V2XPK5N
• Submissions will also be shared to SMA Facebook group